Isa Ferrer

Writer, Creator, Explorer

About Me

Welcome to my website!

I’m a proud Colombian, an energetic teenager, and a nerd from birth.

What I love the most in the world is:

  • Molding my brain to understand new information and the world
  • Going through the struggles of interpreting classical piano
  • Spending time with loved ones
  • Preparing myself to make the best impact in the years to come
  • Bonus: Watching the sunrise and sunset 🌅
Through different projects, I found a fond interest in education (literacy and knowledge democracy) and climate solutions (the future of energy and adaptation).

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About Me

Welcome to my website!

I’m a proud Colombian, an energetic teenager, and a nerd from birth.

What I love the most in the world is:

  • Molding my brain to understand new information and the world
  • Going through the struggles of interpreting classical piano
  • Spending time with loved ones
  • Preparing myself to make the best impact in the years to come
  • Bonus: Watching the sunrise and sunset 🌅
Through different projects, I found a fond interest in education (literacy and knowledge democracy) and climate solutions (the future of energy and adaptation).

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What I Have Worked On

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CNNs for Image Classification

Building convolutional neural networks for computer vision using Pytorch and the CIFAR dataset.

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Data Processing for AI

Transforming images with Pytorch for training artificial intelligence models.

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The Architecture Behind LLMs

Breaking down the sections of the transformer architecture and how they work.

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A Breakdown of the Blockchain

An article explaining the main concepts behind the blockchain structure.

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Coding GPT from Scratch

Building and training the transformer architecture to write like Shakespeare.

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Ethereum and Sustainability

Understanding how proof of stake can reduce the blockchain's environmental footprint.

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(Moonshot project) Designing a device for producing potable water from the air.

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Enzymes & Cotton Recycling

(Hackathon) Research into the process of turning textiles into liquid glucose.

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AI in literacy instruction

Creating a website for teaching reading and writing skills through group activities powered by LLMs.

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AI in reading ambition

Designing books and stories for children to read about their future success. (website in spanish)

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Materials that turn air into water

Exploring the structures and properties of dessicants: the materials used in atmospheric water adsorption.

Unique Experiences

Role Duration
Volunteer at Fundación Santa Isabel 2022
Innovator at The Knowledge Society 2022-2023
Founder Camp Participant 2023
Villars Institute Fellow 2023
Impact Labs Explore Fellow 2023
Miami Women in Tech Member 2022-2023
WISE Qatar Speaker 2023